Appointment Categories

Astrological Birth Chart
An Astrological Birth Chart reading gives us a look into your unique energetic make up.

Tarot Readings
Craving clarity on the energies of now? Tarot is the perfect avenue to guide you.

This is an in depth look into both the individual energy and energy of the couple.
*** I have artist discounts. We can work out a trade or a payment plan.
Don't let the coin
from receiving the message that your subconscious is trying to communicate to you. ***
Appointment Categories

Astrological Birth Chart
An Astrological Birth Chart reading gives us a look into your unique energetic make up.

Tarot Readings
Craving clarity on the energies of now? Tarot is the perfect avenue to guide you.

This is an in depth look into both the individual energy and energy of the couple.
Seeking A New Podcast?
I’m theatricalizing the esoteric on SoundCloud! Check
monthly to get your energy correct with
two podcast’s!
VIBRATIONS ~ A monthly channeling of the music you crave
ENERGETIC ALMANAC ~ A monthly dance with the Moon’s Moods
Both shows are produced by Ash Knowlton with SPILT MILK SOUNDS LLC and recorded in the magical
studio! Vibrations will be released the first of each month. And Energetic Almanac will come out
4 days before the new moon each month.
Seeking A New Podcast?
I’m theatricalizing the esoteric on SoundCloud! Check
monthly to get your energy correct with
two podcast’s!
VIBRATIONS ~ A monthly channeling of the music you crave
ENERGETIC ALMANAC ~ A monthly dance with the Moon’s Moods
Both shows are produced by Ash Knowlton with SPILT MILK SOUNDS LLC and recorded in the magical
studio! Vibrations will be released the first of each month. And Energetic Almanac will come out
4 days before the new moon each month.

$25 Personal Meditation
Start your year off correct with a personalized meditation. I’ll consult the tarot and record an MP3 of your very own guided meditative journey to empower you for 2023.
Buy Now
$25 Personal Meditation

Start your year off correct with a personalized meditation. I’ll consult the tarot and record an MP3 of your very own guided meditative journey to empower you for 2023.
Buy Now
Let's Take A Moment
Okay, so Covid has done us a diddle. We are all feeling the effects of the current energies in a very unique, ferocious way. I believe the energy of Covid said, “Go home.” Meaning go to your physical space, but also to your subconscious home: your soul. The energy of the world has evolved - are you saying yes to this change? Or are you in conflict with this fresh opportunity?
Frequently Asked Questions
COLLABORATIONS: C’mon collab! Oh the possibilities are endless: workshops, retreats, events, yes and! Send me a direct message and we’ll have a beautiful brain storm.
APPEARANCES: I would be honored to come to your show / podcast / round table / host your party . . . Tell me what you're craving and we’ll work it out.
ARTIST DISCOUNTS / TRADES / OTHER FORMS OF COMPENSATION: I know what it’s like to feel the need for spiritual clarity and not be able to afford a session. Don’t let your lack of coin stop you from receiving this subconscious message. There are many forms of compensation. Message me and we’ll talk about it.
PUNCH CARD: Buy three 1 hour sessions and get an add on of your choice. Buy five 1 hour sessions and get one 1.5 hour session free. Let’s talk about it!